This is a OpenNIC Tier2 resolver with Alfis zones support

OpenNIC server name:

Latest changes

Service information

Our addresses:

DNSCrypt validation information:

DNSCrypt stamps:


DoH stamps:

Anonymized DNS stamps:

DNS over I2P (DoI):

DoI example tunnel configuration (for i2pd):

type = client
address =
port = 5353
destination = s3ffjoov5okppa65o625xpgfwizs6vb2us6jxjeso5b4qeqj3rua.b32.i2p
destinationport = 53
gzip = false
signaturetype = 7
inbound.quantity = 3
outbound.quantity = 3
inbound.length = 1
outbound.length = 1
i2p.streaming.initialAckDelay = 20
i2cp.leaseSetType = 3
i2cp.leaseSetEncType = 4
keepaliveinterval = 30
keys = transient-opennic-dns

type = udpclient
address =
port = 5353
destination = s3ffjoov5okppa65o625xpgfwizs6vb2us6jxjeso5b4qeqj3rua.b32.i2p
destinationport = 53
gzip = false
keys = transient-opennic-dns

## Note: both TCP and UDP tunnels are required
## Don't forget to point outgoing DNS requests to 5353 port using firewall, for example iptables!